Friday, February 18, 2011

Checking For Freshness Of Food

Fish & Meat

Fish - Fresh fish have clear, shining, slippery skins, bright, bulging eyes and well-marked colourings.

Shellfish - This should be firm and heavy and smell of the sea.

Meat - Fresh red meat should look silky and red rather than brown. The fat should be white, not yellowing, and it shouldn't smell old sawdust.

Poultry and game - Legs should be pliable, the breastbone should feel soft and the breast should be plump and light in colour.


Salad vegetables and greens - these should be bright green with no brown edges and no rotting leaves.

Tomatoes and radishes - Both should be bright red and firm; no wrinkles or spots.

Avocados - These should be firm but with a slightong "give" when gently squeezed. It doesn't matter if they are beginning to blacken if they are to be eaten straightaway or used to make an avocado dip.

Root vegetables - All root vegetables should be firm.

Artichokes - These should have a good bloom on their leaves. Put the stems in water as soon as you get them home and eat them quickly before they go to seed.

Aubergines - Ripe aubergines should be very shiny, deeply coloured and as firm as a baby's bottom.

Mushrooms and other fungi - All types should be firm and dry - not slimy. Don't buy mushrooms sealed in plastic bags.

Check for more tips here...

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